Laser Projectors vs Traditional Fireworks Display

June 20, 2021

As the world becomes more and more technologically advanced, new entertainment solutions emerge as changes in consumer preferences and environmental regulations place limitations on traditional technologies. One of these changes is the increasing popularity of laser projectors as a replacement for traditional fireworks displays.

At Flare Compare, we love fireworks and we love technology. So, we thought we would put both of them to the test to see which one will win. Let the battle of the light shows commence!

Round 1: Price

Let's be honest, we all love a good deal. So, which one of these light display options is cheaper?

Fireworks Display: A large scale fireworks display with synchronized music can cost upwards of $50,000 to $100,000.

Laser Projectors: A laser projector with similar capabilities can cost between $40,000 and $80,000.

Winner: Laser Projectors.

Round 2: Environmental Impact

In an era where everyone is concerned about the environment, it's important to consider the impact of these display options.

Fireworks Display: Fireworks displays are known to produce harmful smoke, create noise pollution, and produce debris that can litter the area. Additionally, fireworks have been known to stress out pets and wild animals.

Laser Projectors: Laser projectors are more environmentally friendly. They do not produce smoke, debris or noise pollution. In addition, they are safe for animals because they are silent.

Winner: Laser Projectors.

Round 3: Visual Impact

Finally, the most important round, which of these display options is more visually stunning?

Fireworks Display: There is no denying that fireworks displays can be visually stunning. They come in a variety of colors and shapes, and they create a “wow” factor in the audience.

Laser Projectors: Similarly, laser projectors can be visually stunning. They create a sharp, precise, and colorful display with an almost 3D quality.

Winner: Tie.


It's a tie! Both laser projectors and fireworks displays have their own unique benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, it comes down to the preferences of the audience and the event.

One thing is for sure though; technology is advancing rapidly, and we can't wait to see what kind of light shows we will have in the future.


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